National Bank of Malawi


An overdraft is a fluctuating financing facility linked to a current account, repayable on demand. The customer is entitled to draw on their current account up to an agreed limit.

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Syndicated Loans

Reserve Bank of Malawi has set guidelines with regard to credit concentration and group or individual companies’ exposure. This means that the Bank cannot lend money beyond a certain limit. In such cases NBM is capable of securing funds by involving other Banks either locally or internationally.

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Construction Loans

These are term loans of specific amounts, for construction purposes. Such loans are for a stated period of time normally exceeding 2 years but not more than 7 year

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Foreign Currency Loans

These loans are available to our exporting customers to enable them purchase produce or crops like tobacco, rice, cotton, pigeon peas etc., locally and for export.

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Short Term Loans

Short-term working capital loans provide fixed lump sums with an agreed repayment period of up to 2 years.
Such loans are repaid on a monthly or quarterly basis as agreed between the bank and the customer.

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Finance for Exports

For exporting customers our Bank is able to provide immediate financing to enable such customers to purchase produce locally, and prepare for shipment abroad.

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Development Bank

The core business of the Development Bank is to provide debt and equity capital to SMEs within key target sectors. The Development Bank will also assist these enterprises with business support services in order to assure viability of the enterprises.

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Bonds & Guarantees

Issued in support of customer’s tender as assurance of the intention of the customer to sign the contract if the customer’s tender is accepted.

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Government Securities Bids and Discounting

NBM assists clients to bid for Malawi Government treasury bills and Treasury Notes

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Custody Services

NBM provides investments safe-keeping services for mutual funds, investment managers, retirement plans, bank fiduciary, agency accounts, insurance companies, pension funds, corporations…

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This is an international money transfer service available at all National Bank of Malawi service centres.

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Treasury Bills

Source of immediate cash in times of cash flow problem
Source of extra income if there is a change in the yield.

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Foreign Currency Denominated Account (FCDA)

Can be used to hedge against currency fluctuations
Customer can hold funds in this account and only convert when conditions are favourable.

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Currency Option

A currency option is the right (but not an obligation) to purchase or sell an agreed amount of a particular foreign currency at an agreed rate of exchange, at the expiry of, or during a specified period of time.

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Foreign Exchange Contract

A Foreign Exchange Contract is a contract between two parties whereby they commit themselves to exchange a specified amount of one currency for another at an agreed rate of exchange, settlement of which takes place on a fixed date in the future.

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Agricultural Loans & Seasonal Overdrafts

This is a seasonal facility made available to the agriculture sector, mainly tobacco growers to assist with the growing and marketing of the crop.

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Farm Infrastructure and Implements Loan

The Bank shall finance all eligible farmers in Malawi be it in the small- scale or Estate sub-sectors for the sole purpose of acquiring agricultural equipment and other farm implements

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Advance Payment

It is payment on open account to a foreign supplier for goods which have not been received by our customers.

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Documentary Collections

A documentary collection is used to make foreign payment for goods when the risk of using open account is too high and where a documentary letter of credit is considered expensive.

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Documentary Letter of Credit

If our customer wishes to import goods they request us to open a confirmed irrevocable letter credit and we will advise it to their supplier’s bank.

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Standby Letter of Credit/ Foreign Guarantees

A Standby Letter of Credit is a form of a guarantee which is used against non-performance of a contract.

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Open Account

An Open account payment is used for making payment to the foreign supplier for goods which have been received by our customers directly from the foreign supplier without any engagement of the bank.

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Agristorage Facility

It is medium to long term financing provided by the Bank to eligible
customers to facilitate purchase, construction, renovation and extension
of warehouses and grain storage assets.

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